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I love Beth’s classes both in-person and now virtual. Friendly and welcoming whilst also giving you the chance to push yourself when you are ready and up for the challenge. I have recommended Beth’s classes to friends and family and never had a single negative comment from anyone. Highly recommend! - Mike
I always look forward to my classes with Beth.  She has such a calm, positive personality and no matter how I am feeling when I start the session, it can be guaranteed that I will leave it feeling one hundred percent better.  She takes us …

I always look forward to my classes with Beth.  She has such a calm, positive personality and no matter how I am feeling when I start the session, it can be guaranteed that I will leave it feeling one hundred percent better.  She takes us through our postures with clear instructions; we concentrate on different parts of our bodies; and enjoy flowing sequences.  I relish the whole mental and physical challenge that she provides.  I would most definitely recommend Beth to anyone who wishes to find the ideal yoga teacher!! - Vivienne


Beth manages to chill me out, work me out, stretch me out, leaving me calmer, stronger and rejuvenated. - Andy

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Beth’s able to cater in a single class to a wide range of profiles, ages and abilities - everyone feels that they improve regardless of where they started from and enjoyed themselves doing so. -Rob


I have been practicing yoga for the last 12 years and I have experienced a variety of teaching styles yet I consider Beth to be one of the best yoga teachers that I have had. - Katie

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I was sceptical about Yoga for many years, instead I remained focussed on my usual sports of Triathlon and Rugby. However, as age caught up with me and injuries became more frequent, I thought I would give Yoga a go; and 5 years later, I am still going to Beth’s classes! Not only has Yoga extended my sporting ‘life’, but my back is stronger, and my hamstrings are more flexible. Would 100% recommend Yoga and Beth. - Pete

"Started yoga with Beth back in 2013; a group of us were training for Ironman and we wanted something to help with core and flexibility. Beth made the classes very accessible for us novices and was always happy to explain anything further if asked.  Beth has developed the classes and our confidence as our abilities have improved.  The move to online classes due to Covid19 has worked well as Beth is a great communicator and keeps you feeling involved even via a screen!"

- Giles


Joyous, relaxing, great pace and to suit all levels within a class. Beth knows her stuff and she has transformed my mind and body! Highly recommended - Gillian

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I had practised Iyengar yoga for well over 20 years until the studio I attended closed.  I then joined a class led by Beth during my lunch hour at work.  I immediately enjoyed her way of teaching which contains individual postures linked by flowing movements (vinyasas).  Beth leads with very clear instructions and guidance and recognises that not everyone is totally supple. There is also great variety with a new programme every two weeks.  During the recent pandemic, all lessons have been via Zoom which has worked very successfully enabling us all to continue with our practice.  I have enjoyed Beth’s classes for over 5 years attending twice a week.  I can truly recommend Beth’s classes in all respects including content, variety, support, enthusiasm, friendliness and much more. more.” - Julie


I love Beth’s yoga classes as she teaches them with warmth and humour. I have gone in with a migraine and walked out headache free and floating. Good for the soul and you come away smiling :-)  Clare

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I was introduced to Beth’s yoga classes by a friend in early 2020, and I haven’t looked back! No matter what age, build or fitness level you are, Beth ensures you have a great workout. She is warm and welcoming, and provides clear instruction and encouragement with a touch of fun. Her classes are extremely well planned. Beth has an amazing awareness of potential pitfalls, clearly explaining what adjustments we need to make to ensure correct alignment. And as we progress, she encourages us to explore more advanced postures. I always look forward to Beth’s yoga classes and highly recommend them. - Theresa

Since practicing with Beth I have been challenged but only to my limits, been taught in a logical understandable way and amused by quirky one liners that make me smile! Love it Beth - Lynne 

I find her classes to be well prepared, balanced, enough of a challenge but reassuringly possible to complete with her help to adapt postures according to various abilities.- Mary
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